Grind size is a crucial factor in achieving your perfect brew. Coffee that is too coarse or too fine can result in over or under extraction, which doesn't taste good.
We want you to have the "best in cup" every time, and so we've developed this guide on how to get the best grind for your coffee.
Step 1: Choose Your Coffee
First, start with premium whole bean coffee. We might be a little biased, but we’ve got some pretty good roasts at 3 Arrows Coffee Company. Try one of these:
Lake Time Light Roast: Tasting Notes: Mellow and citric with mild almond and a touch of lemongrass flavors.
Mississippi Sludge Dark Roast: Tasting Notes: Mild peanut, cocoa, and tartness with some lemongrass and lime.
Mexican Decaf Medium Roast: Tasting Notes: Mild with citric flavor, graham cracker flavor, and a nutty aftertaste.
Broadhead Espresso Dark Roast: Tasting Notes: Dark Chocolate, nutty, molasses and spice with a touch of citrus.
Single Origin Varieties: Choose from one of our Single Origin Varieties: Honduras-Natural, Brazil, or Ethiopia for a pure coffee experience.
Which coffee grind is best?
Yep. A trick question to start you out. While there isn’t a grind that is “best”, there is a best grind for each brewing method.
Why does grind matter?
The science of coffee brewing is all about extraction, or how much flavor the water pulls out of the beans. The finer the grind, the faster the flavor can be extracted. This explains why you use a fine grind for a quick method like espresso, and a coarse grind for a slow technique like cold brew.
Grind 101
We could go on and on about coffee grinds (hey, it’s our jam!).
But, to be useful, we’ve narrowed it down to our top 5.
Here are our Top 5 Grinds:
- Fine Grind
Best for: Espresso
These grounds should feel like flour; you should be able to pinch it and have it stay in that form. If it falls apart, it’s too coarse. This is the most common grind for making espresso. It is vital that you use a good grinder (I highly recommend a burr grinder, as uniform grounds are key), and of course you should always fresh grind your beans right before brewing.
- Medium to Fine Grind
Best for: Pour Overs
This is my favorite and the most versatile grind out there. It should resemble sea salt, and it is hands down the best grind for pour overs. Our single origin coffees, such as the Honduras Natural, are outstanding for this use.
- Medium Grind
Best for: Drip Coffee
Right down the middle, this grind has the texture of sand and makes an excellent drip coffee. That cup of joe you’re used to getting in a restaurant or at the office probably comes from a medium grind in a drip machine. This does not have to mean medium flavor, however! Our premium beans, fresh ground, can turn your humble drip machine into your best friend. It’s true!
- Coarse Grind
Best for: French Press
As mentioned, this grind is similar to gritty peppercorn and will be more uniform than the extra coarse. This is the grind to use for fantastic French presses. Be aware that small changes in the grind will make a huge difference in the taste. A grind that’s even slightly too coarse will give you weak coffee. Too fine, and your brew will be bitter or too strong.
- Extra Coarse Grind
Best for: Cold Brew
This one is ideal for a cold brew. While coarse grinds (see #4) will resemble peppercorns, extra coarse are less uniform, more like chunks of bean. There should be no super fine coffee particles mixed in or you’ll have “coffee mud” at the bottom of your brew.
Don’t be afraid to experiment!
Depending on the grinder you have, you might see up to 40 different grind settings!
It’s amazing how one bag of whole bean coffee can be used to create so many different coffee experiences. Use the above guidelines you as you experiment with a variety of brew types and your favorite 3 Arrows Coffee, and find your very own personal everyday indulgence!